How to Identify Cheating Spouse Text Messages Codes

It can be challenging to know if your partner is being unfaithful. Even though the signs may not always be obvious, there could be specific codes used in text messages to cover up inappropriate behavior that can point to a cheating spouse. If you’ve been suspecting something, understanding these code words for cheating spouses and learning how to recognize them could help determine if it’s time for further investigation or necessary conversations with your partner. 

In this post, we’ll discuss what suspicious texting codes might look like and how you can identify if there is infidelity within a relationship based on the coded messages exchanged between partners.

What are Cheating Text Messages Codes?

Cheating text message codes are secret abbreviations or symbols used by unfaithful partners to communicate covertly with someone else. They are designed to be discreet and often appear innocent or nonsensical to the unsuspecting viewer. This secret language allows cheating spouses to carry on their illicit activities under the radar. 

It’s crucial to be aware of these codes if you’re trying to figure out how to see your spouse’s text messages. Services like can be helpful, but you need to understand the codes to interpret the messages correctly.

Common Cheating Spouse Texts Codes and Their Meanings

There are various code words for cheating spouses. Some of the most commonly used ones include:

  • ASL/ASLP: Age/Location/Picture. This code is used when someone wants to know more about someone they’re communicating with.
  • DTF: “Ready for a close relationships”. This is a clear indication of someone seeking physical intimacy.
  • NSFS: Not Safe for Spouse. This code warns the receiver not to open a message when their partner is around.
  • Straycation: An affair that happens while one is away from home, perhaps during a business trip. This code word often covers up an infidelity situation.
  • FWB: Friends With Benefits. A common term used by people in casual relationships outside of their marriage or committed partnership.
  • Grinding: A colloquial term for having a personal encounter with someone.
  • Netflix and Chill: A code used to invite someone over to watch Netflix and potentially engage in personal activities.
  • CU46: See You For A Personal Meeting. A message that indicates the intention of meeting up for physical intimacy.

Knowing these codes can aid in your efforts to track your spouse’s text messages. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that these codes can also be used innocently between friends or acquaintances. It’s crucial to refrain from jumping to conclusions with solid evidence.

How to Spot Suspicious Patterns in Your Spouse’s Text Messages

Identifying suspicious patterns in your spouse’s text messages can be challenging but possible. Look for: 

  • Frequent Texting: If your partner is constantly on their phone texting and seems to be hiding the content of their messages, it could be a sign of an affair.
  • Hiding or Deleting Messages: Observing that a spouse regularly deletes their messages promptly or keeps their phone concealed can suggest they are hiding something.
  • Increased Use of Code Words: Spotting a partner using unfamiliar words or abbreviations in their text exchanges can raise alarm bells.
  • Changes in Behavior: A spouse who suddenly turns more distant, secretive, or spends less time at home may hint at potential clues hidden in their text messages.

These signs help you find ways to read someone’s text messages and uncover potential infidelity.

What to Do If You Find Cheating Messages Codes

If you do find suspicious text messages and suspect your spouse of cheating, it’s essential to handle the situation carefully. Jumping to conclusions or accusing them without evidence can do more harm than good in a relationship. Here are a few steps to take: 

  1. Stay Calm: It’s natural to feel emotional, but it’s essential to remain calm when confronting your partner. Losing control can make the situation more challenging to deal with.
  2. Gather Evidence: Ensure you have concrete proof before confronting your spouse.
  3. Communicate: Have an open and honest conversation with your spouse about what you’ve noticed and how it has made you feel. Listen to their side of the story before jumping to conclusions.
  4. Seek Professional Help: If you’re struggling to handle the situation independently, consider seeking advice from a therapist or marriage counselor.
  5. Set Boundaries: If you decide to stay in the relationship, set clear boundaries with your partner to rebuild trust and prevent further infidelity.

Remember, communication and honesty are crucial in any relationship. Learning how to get text from another phone can be helpful in this process, but remember to respect privacy laws. Keeping an open line of communication can help prevent misunderstandings that could lead to the use of cheating message codes. Don’t be afraid to address your concerns with your partner, but do so in a respectful and non-accusatory manner. 


Discovering that your spouse might be cheating is a painful experience. However, identifying cheating text message codes can help you face the truth head-on. Remember, it’s not about spying on your wife or husband but seeking clarity and protecting your emotional well-being. It’s always best to communicate openly with your spouse and seek professional help if needed.

Isabella Mia: